

Helm is a command line application that manages Charts. A Chart is a zip archive containing the definitions for an arbitrary number of Kubernetes resources that an applications might require to work properly.

Like other software packages, Charts can be installed, updated or uninstalled from a Kubernetes cluster, provided you have the right set of permissions. There are Charts to easily deploy many well known softwares on Kubernetes: dbms like MySQL or Postgres, full-fledged web applications like Wordpress or Joomla, network servers like Traefik or Ambassador, they can all be installed on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm; and if you have a custom application or service you can still leverage Helm by writing your own Charts.

The Helm Hub

Charts are stored in a (usually public) file storage with a well known layout called Helm repository. Originally, Helm contributors maintained a central repo of "official" charts but as it didn't scale, charts are now stored across many different repositories.

To overcome this problem, Helm folks created the Chart Hub, a searchable archive listing all the available Charts and the repositories where you can find them.

Exercise n.1: install a Chart

Let's search for a chart to install a Mysql database server. We want to list the available charts along with the repositories we can use to fetch them:

$ helm search hub mysql
URL                                                 CHART VERSION   APP VERSION DESCRIPTION
https://hub.helm.sh/charts/appscode/stash-mysql     8.0.14          8.0.14      stash-mysql - MySQL database backup and restore...
https://hub.helm.sh/charts/banzaicloud-stable/tidb  0.0.2                       A TiDB Helm chart for Kubernetes
https://hub.helm.sh/charts/banzaicloud-stable/p...  0.2.4           v0.11.0     A Helm chart for prometheus mysql exporter with...
https://hub.helm.sh/charts/banzaicloud-stable/m...  0.1.0           0.2.0       A Helm chart for deploying the Oracle MySQL Ope...
https://hub.helm.sh/charts/bitnami/mariadb          7.7.1           10.3.23     Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open-...
https://hub.helm.sh/charts/bitnami/phpmyadmin       6.3.2           5.0.2       phpMyAdmin is an mysql administration frontend
https://hub.helm.sh/charts/bitnami/mysql            6.14.7          8.0.21      Chart to create a Highly available MySQL cluster

As you can see, every Chart has a CHART VERSION and an APP VERSION: the first one refers to the version of the Chart itself while the latter refers to the application that will be installed. This versioning schema allows to distribute different versions of an application with the same Chart but different chart maintainers might use different conventions, so don't be puzzled if the version numbers are not familiar and browse the chart's docs to get more details.

The first column contains the URL of the docs for the chart: for example, if we open https://hub.helm.sh/charts/bitnami/mariadb we see under the Helm CLI install section that the next step would be adding a repository to our local list:

$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
"bitnami" has been added to your repositories

Before proceeding with the installation we need to introduce some Helm terminology to avoid confusion. When we install a Chart we create a Release of that Chart, and every release has a Release Name that mitght or might not be relevant to the application that's being deployed; Helm encourages to use a so-called "pet-name" to name releases. Every Release has a set of Values that can be passed by the user to customize the installation.

Let's install MariaDB 10.3, we'll call this Release rainbow-dash and we want to pass some Values, namely a new database, user and password we want to create:

$ helm install rainbow-dash --set db.name=myapp,db.user=dbuser,db.password=s3cr3t bitnami/mariadb
NAME: rainbow-dash
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Aug  5 17:24:50 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Please be patient while the chart is being deployed

Helm adds labels to the objects it manages so we can list which pods are running after installing the chart with:

$ kubectl get pods -l release=rainbow-dash
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
rainbow-dash-mariadb-master-0   1/1     Running   0          119s
rainbow-dash-mariadb-slave-0    1/1     Running   0          119s

To have an idea of which Values a Chart accepts, refer to its documentation in the Helm Hub, for MariaDB: https://hub.helm.sh/charts/bitnami/mariadb

Exercise n.2: update a Chart Release

Releases can be updated at any time, for example if you need to pass different Values or if you want to deploy a more recent version of an application. You can look at all the releases currently installed in your cluster by running:

$ helm ls
NAME            NAMESPACE   REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART           APP VERSION
rainbow-dash    default     1           2020-08-05 17:24:50.778728 +0200 CEST   deployed    mariadb-7.7.2   10.3.23

Every Release has a Revision, which is fundamentally a counter that's incremented every time a Release is updated. Let's try to change the password for the default database user:

$ helm upgrade rainbow-dash --reuse-values --set db.password=r0tat3d bitnami/mariadb
Release "rainbow-dash" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: rainbow-dash

If you run again helm ls, you'll see how the Revision was bumped:

$ helm ls
NAME            NAMESPACE   REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART           APP VERSION
rainbow-dash    default     2           2020-08-05 17:31:01.911759 +0200 CEST   deployed    mariadb-7.7.2   10.3.23

For every Release deployed on a cluster, you can list the Values currently in use with the following command:

$ helm get values rainbow-dash
  name: myapp
  password: r0tat3d
  user: dbuser

Note how --reuse-values in the helm upgrade command from above tells Helm to merge all the Values currently in use with the ones overridden with --set; in this case, the resulting Values are the ones from Revision n.1 with the exception of db.password that was explicitly set.

Exercise n.3: rollback a Chart

If an application installed with Helm is misbehaving, you can roll it back to a previous Revision with the command:

$ helm rollback rainbow-dash
Rollback was a success! Happy Helming!

To see the history of a Helm release, you can do (note the rollback was registered):

$ helm history rainbow-dash
1           Wed Aug  5 17:24:50 2020    superseded  mariadb-7.7.2   10.3.23     Install complete
2           Wed Aug  5 17:31:01 2020    superseded  mariadb-7.7.2   10.3.23     Upgrade complete
3           Wed Aug  5 17:32:33 2020    deployed    mariadb-7.7.2   10.3.23     Rollback to 1